HOIST HF-4357 Leg Press Hack Squat Combo
If you would like to arrange installation with your delivery, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us via email or phone for assistance.
- Email: mpotvin@fitnessnutrition.ca
- Phone: 450-975-8786
- Installation prices may vary by province
While we ship across Canada, our installation services are primarily available within Quebec; however, arrangements outside Quebec may be possible upon request.
It has all of a the greats
The 45°/ Hack Squat Semi-Commercial Hoist HF-4357 is a durable rugged Leg Press Hack Squat Combo. The passage of the 45° press function to the Hack Squat function is done quickly by tilting the plate. The adjustable tilt backrest contributes to the comfort of use. For your safety, double locking is done by folding the guides inwards, in the blink of an eye. The heavy chassis of almost 180 kg and the trolley on needle bearings are a guarantee of quality and durability. Thick high density foam upholstery provides excellent comfort and support when pushing, even with heavy loads. In the hack-squat position, these are two large log rigs that protect your shoulders.
Three possible exercises
Unlock the tray, move the upholstery. It is done ! In just a few seconds you have transformed your thigh press into Hack Squat. And to work the calves, nothing more simple: put the tips of the feet on the anti-slip strip located under the tray.
The two Olympic spikes support a maximum load of up to 320 kg for such intensive workouts as in the fitness room. The press also has an adjustable tilt backrest and two security locks accessible from the working position in hack squat and press modes, which allow to lock the truck in case of difficulty during the exercise or simply by end of movement. The trolley rests on four rollers mounted on needle bearings, for a better fluidity of movement and a greater longevity.
- Removable footrest and backrest to allow 45° inclined press work or hack squat
- Non-slip tape allows use in calf press
- Adjustable backrest in tilt
- Large rounds for the shoulders
- Sewed upholstery and high density foams
- Wide handles of help with the effort
- Double security lock
- Olympic Diameter Plate Holder
- Trolley mounted on needle bearings
- Maximum load of 327 kg
- Suitable for semi-professional use
- Size: 80 × 40 × 29.5 in